

Revolutionizing Identity Resolution for Intent-Based Marketing

Welcome to Strategy Simple’s signature solution:



In today’s digital landscape, truly understanding your audience is the cornerstone of impactful marketing. But truly identifying who’s behind every click, search, and tap? That’s the golden ticket. Enter: simple|AUDIENCE, Strategy Simple’s game-changing identity resolution tool.

Why simple|AUDIENCE?

Target Any Audience, On Any Platform

Unlock the Power of Intent-Based Targeting

Discover your next customer with simple|AUDIENCE, the revolutionary DAAS (Data as a Service) platform that unveils real intent behind potential buyers. Our advanced technology doesn’t just find leads – it identifies individuals actively seeking your products or services.

With simple|AUDIENCE, you can:

  • Empower sales teams with high-quality, intent-driven leads
  • Supercharge marketing campaigns across multiple channels
  • Personalize outreach based on prospect’s demonstrated interests
  • Optimize ad spend by focusing on audiences most likely to convert
  • Seamlessly activate data on various platforms for omnichannel engagement

Don’t just guess who might be interested – know who’s ready to buy. Transform your approach to lead generation and customer acquisition with simple|AUDIENCE, where data meets opportunity.

In Market Lead Data

Engage potential customers actively seeking your solutions. Our intent-based DaaS platform identifies ready-to-buy prospects based on their search and online behaviors, allowing for ultra-focused prospecting.

  • Target high-intent leads
  • Optimize marketing spend
  • Shorten sales cycles
  • Stay ahead of competitors

Identity Resolution - superPIXEL

Unmask up to 60% of anonymous website visitors, turning interactions into leads. Our revolutionary tech transforms unknown traffic into actionable opportunities.

  • Identify unknown prospects
  • Gain visitor behavior insights
  • Personalize follow-up strategies
  • Increase conversion rates
  • Optimize marketing precision

Keyword Intent Lead Data

AI-powered feature links search terms to user behaviors, surpassing simple keyword matching. Transform keywords into actionable insights for precise, context-aware targeting.

  • Understand search context
  • Identify high-intent prospects
  • Tailor messaging to interests
  • Improve ad performance
  • Increase conversion rates

Custom Intent Lead Data Models

Create truly customized audience segments tailored to your unique needs. Leverage vast data and AI to sculpt perfect audiences, moving beyond one-size-fits-all targeting.

  • Define ultra-specific audiences
  • Combine multiple intent signals
  • Align with ideal customer profiles
  • Adapt to market dynamics
  • Maximize campaign ROI

The simple|AUDIENCE Edge:

Our Proprietary Scoring Algorithm

Data is only as good as its interpretation. That’s why we’ve designed a proprietary scoring algorithm specifically for IP resolution. This algorithm sifts through masses of data, picking out the golden insights and creating what we call “search mates”. These search mates lead the industry in their precision, ensuring that your marketing efforts aren’t just widespread—they’re sharpshooter-accurate.

Through SRT (Search Resolution Technology) and big data analysis, simple|AUDIENCE is able to identify “who is searching for what”

Unique Intent<br />

More Than Just Names: Identifying True Intent

 It’s not just about knowing who’s on the other side of the screen. It’s about understanding their wants, their needs, their desires. With simple|AUDIENCE, we don’t just identify individuals—we reveal their search intent.

By understanding what users are truly searching for, you’re equipped to provide solutions before they even realize they need them. You can tailor your marketing strategies, making them not just personalized, but truly individualized.

The Power of Intent-Based Marketing

Imagine being able to engage with your audience not based on broad demographics or generic behaviors, but on their genuine, moment-to-moment intent. That’s the promise of intent-based marketing, and with simple|AUDIENCE, it’s a promise delivered.

  • Higher Conversion Rates: By understanding user intent, you can cater to their specific needs, driving up conversion rates.
  •  Improved ROI: Your marketing dollars are precious. Spend them on campaigns that truly resonate, thanks to our pinpoint targeting.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers today expect brands to understand them. Meet their expectations and more, by providing experiences that are hyper-relevant and genuinely engaging.

Discover, target, and engage like never before.

With Strategy Simple’s simple|AUDIENCE,

marketing just became a lot more intuitive…