by Rob Trube
Hey, It’s Rob Trube with Strategy Simple with another drill for your Organic Growth Acceleration Playbook. Today we are going to calculate one of the most important metrics you can track – Customer Lifetime Value or LTV. This quote from Bain & Company...
by Rob Trube
Have you heard of inbound marketing? Chances are you know what it is even if you haven’t heard of the term. With the explosion of online marketing, and the concept of content marketing in particular – inbound marketing has become an effective and profitable way to...
by Rob Trube
Whether it’s while traveling, commuting, exploring their neighborhood, or just attempting to recall the name of their local florist, consumers are using their mobile “Near Me” tools to help them identify local businesses. The question is, are you making the most...
by Rob Trube
There is certainly a lot of hype about “content” and “content marketing” right now. It seems like anywhere and everywhere you look, someone is saying “content is king!” or “content marketing is the only...
by Rob Trube
Everyone knows how I am always pounding on creating an Ideal Customer Profile, and that segmentation and directed, relevant communication with that group of customers and prospects is the fastest and most sustainable path to sales growth. It is not easy to do, but...